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Potty Training Treasure Chest For Your Girl

18 Jan, 2023
2 min. Read
Girl reading book
It’s an exciting time for you and your child: she’s learning to use the potty! What better way to celebrate this milestone and keep her motivated than creating a potty training treasure chest?Here’s what you need to know to make your own one-of-a-kind treasure chest, and what to tuck inside.

How to Make a Potty Training Treasure Chest

Got an empty box? Then you’ve got the makings of a treasure chest. Yes, it’s that easy!
  1. Start with a cardboard shoebox or a small plastic container—ideally one with an attached lid so that the lid will flip open and close like a real treasure chest.
  2. Cover the box with adhesive shelf paper (the more eye-catching, the better).
  3. Personalize the treasure chest with your child’s name and/or some decorative stickers.
Voila! You have a treasure chest that’s fit for your special little girl.

Ideas for What to Put In It

Now comes the really fun part: filling the treasure chest with inexpensive treats and treasures that you know your child will love. Here are a few ideas:
  • Stickers (for your child to stick on her potty training sticker chart to celebrate her successes)
  • Other mini-rewards (tiny toys, temporary tattoos, a new pair of socks, a hair tie, and so on)
  • Storybooks and coloring books (to keep your child entertained while she’s sitting on the potty, waiting for the magic to happen)
  • A small stuffed animal to keep your child company in the bathroom
  • Non-toxic bubble-blowing solution to provide a welcome distraction
  • Finger puppets so that she can act out her own potty-inspired stories
  • Pull-Ups® Training Pants, featuring your child’s favorite Disney® character

How & When to Use It

Use the treasure chest to store your child’s potty paraphernalia—all the things she’ll want to have on hand while she’s sitting on the potty. You’ll also want to include some special treats and treasures to reward a job well done - either a great try or an exciting new success.

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