High Energy
Introducing Pull-Ups® Training Pants to Your High-Energy Child
18 Jan, 2023
3 min. Read
Your rambunctious toddler wants to have fun with their Pull-Ups®, so help make this happen right from the start. At the store, let them choose which designs they’re going to use, and when you get home, let them help open the package. "Do these go on your head? Nooo... Do they go on your elbow? Where do they go and what do they do?" Help your child play with the process of understanding what Pull-Ups do and what they’re for.
Maybe your child would like to try on Pull-Ups right away? That’s fine, but don’t push; maybe they’d prefer to help you stack them in a drawer or on the shelf like blocks so they’re ready to use later. Here are a few games you can play to get your child even more comfortable with the potty training process.Since busy toddlers love to play, engage your child with a “Pull-Ups Scavenger Hunt.” Hide items such as a potty chair around the house or playroom, and have your child suss out where they are. Then, together you can find special places to stash these new potty essentials.
Learn how to play the Pull-Ups Scavenger Hunt >
Another helpful tool is the “Which Is Faster: Diapers vs. Pull-Ups? game. Your child is always in motion, and you can use this to your advantage. This game allows your child to see that wearing Pull-Ups can help them speed up the process in the bathroom so that they can get back to playing sooner.
Potty training is a big moment — it’s when your little one becomes a Big Kid. So it’s important to reinforce this change, and there are a couple easy ways to do so. First, be consistent. When you take your kid out of diapers, keep him out of diapers. Pull-Ups are more than a training pant. They’re also a symbol to your little one that it’s time to potty like a Big Kid. Going back and forth from diapers to pants only confuses them. Next, make the first time they pull on a pair of Pull-Ups a symbol — a promise that you’re in it together and will work and learn together on your potty training journey.
Pulling pants up and down is an important skill that builds independence — for potty training and beyond. Make sure your child has pants with an elastic waistband, and give opportunities throughout each day to practice this skill. Give your child a choice when you’re introducing Pull-Ups. Let them be part of the process in choosing their type of Pull-Ups, and the character on their Pull-Ups. Work together to find a special place in the bathroom for the Pull-Ups, and let them know that they’ll be there when they’re ready. “Your Pull-Ups will be right here. Maybe you’ll be ready to try one on after I change you next time.”
Create a special book with your high-energy child about going to the potty. Use your child’s name, favorite colors, plus details from your lives. Kids love to see themselves as the star of the story. Offer this book while your toddler is sitting on the potty, and later when they’re running for President. But seriously, it’s helpful for keeping your eager child focused while on the potty, and make sure to bring the book when you are traveling or in an unfamiliar place. Here is some text you might use in the book. Feel free to customize it for your toddler:
Maybe your child would like to try on Pull-Ups right away? That’s fine, but don’t push; maybe they’d prefer to help you stack them in a drawer or on the shelf like blocks so they’re ready to use later. Here are a few games you can play to get your child even more comfortable with the potty training process.Since busy toddlers love to play, engage your child with a “Pull-Ups Scavenger Hunt.” Hide items such as a potty chair around the house or playroom, and have your child suss out where they are. Then, together you can find special places to stash these new potty essentials.
Learn how to play the Pull-Ups Scavenger Hunt >
Another helpful tool is the “Which Is Faster: Diapers vs. Pull-Ups? game. Your child is always in motion, and you can use this to your advantage. This game allows your child to see that wearing Pull-Ups can help them speed up the process in the bathroom so that they can get back to playing sooner.
- When it’s time for a diaper change, start singing your child’s favorite song. Put on Pull-Ups once they’re all cleaned up -- then stop singing. Talk about how far into the song you got.
- Next, ask them if they want to play the race. “Want to race and see if you can do it faster if you use a Pull-Ups? Let’s see if you can beat our diaper change time… Ready, Set, Go!” While you’re singing the song, have your child race to the potty, pull down the pants and Pull-Ups and sit on the potty.“Wow! Look how much faster that was. Using Pull-Ups is much quicker than using a diaper."
Potty training is a big moment — it’s when your little one becomes a Big Kid. So it’s important to reinforce this change, and there are a couple easy ways to do so. First, be consistent. When you take your kid out of diapers, keep him out of diapers. Pull-Ups are more than a training pant. They’re also a symbol to your little one that it’s time to potty like a Big Kid. Going back and forth from diapers to pants only confuses them. Next, make the first time they pull on a pair of Pull-Ups a symbol — a promise that you’re in it together and will work and learn together on your potty training journey.
Pulling pants up and down is an important skill that builds independence — for potty training and beyond. Make sure your child has pants with an elastic waistband, and give opportunities throughout each day to practice this skill. Give your child a choice when you’re introducing Pull-Ups. Let them be part of the process in choosing their type of Pull-Ups, and the character on their Pull-Ups. Work together to find a special place in the bathroom for the Pull-Ups, and let them know that they’ll be there when they’re ready. “Your Pull-Ups will be right here. Maybe you’ll be ready to try one on after I change you next time.”
Activity: My Own Potty Book
Create a special book with your high-energy child about going to the potty. Use your child’s name, favorite colors, plus details from your lives. Kids love to see themselves as the star of the story. Offer this book while your toddler is sitting on the potty, and later when they’re running for President. But seriously, it’s helpful for keeping your eager child focused while on the potty, and make sure to bring the book when you are traveling or in an unfamiliar place. Here is some text you might use in the book. Feel free to customize it for your toddler:
- Sometimes, I dance around and my tummy feels funny; that’s when I remember I need to use the potty.
- I go to the potty, pull down my pants and sit on the potty.
- Sometimes, pee comes out.
- Sometimes, poop comes out.
- I feel so much better after I have gone potty! Ahhh.
- When I sit on the potty, I can sing songs, look at a book or hold my favorite toy.
- After I’m done, I use the toilet paper to wipe, wipe, wipe.
- I put the toilet paper in the toilet and flush.
- The flusher is loud!
- I pull up my pants.
- Then wash my hands.
- Now, I can go play again.
- Sometimes I use the potty before I get in the bathtub or go to bed.
- Sometimes I use the potty just to see what will happen.
- I feel proud and happy that I used the potty!
- I feel like a Big Kid when I use the potty!