Free Spirited

Transitioning Your Free-Spirited Child to Big Kid Underwear

18 Jan, 2023
2 min. Read
Transitioning Kids To Training Pants
Unlike some Potty Personalities, free-spirited children may not be as excited about Big Kid underpants. That’s because they may decide that filling their Pull-Ups® is a better option than interrupting playtime to shuffle off to the bathroom. How convenient are these?! Don’t worry, eventually your laid-back kid will become more interested in underwear. Until then, continue your potty parties, and allow them to pace the process. It will all happen on a free spirit’s groovy schedule.Introduce Big Kid underwear into your child’s dress-up clothes bin. It may end up on your free-spirited toddler’s head or on a doll, but that’s OK. During this playful process, your care-free kid is getting used to the idea of underwear, and that will spark their interest.

Put some Big Kid underwear in the same place as where you keep the Pull-Ups so your free-spirited toddler starts to make the association. When having a potty party, introduce them almost as a new party favor, and allow your child to choose if/when they are ready to put the new underwear on.

Once they’ve decided to test-drive those new undies, it’s likely that your laid-back little one will have quite a few wet pairs of underpants. Your child is used to wearing Pull-Ups, and as involved as free-spirited children get in their play, they’ll just assume it’s OK to let loose in the undies as well. That’s normal. After a few soggy encounters, they’ll start to make the connection, and, they may want to continue to wear Pull-Ups because the underwear seems like a hassle. Let your child continue to choose the Pull-Ups® when she wants and also continue to use the visual reminders to go to the bathroom.  All this practice, plus watching friends and family use the potty, will eventually work its way into their awareness. Then they’ll want to be like a Big Kid, too. Over time, your chill toddler will make the mind-body connection and establish a routine that works for them. Try not to get too aggravated, and remember: This is all part of the free-spirited child’s process.