Transitioning Your Eager-to-Please Child to Big Kid Underwear

Jan 18, 2023 | 2 Minutes Read

If your child is feeling confident, regularly making it to the potty before the arrival of the poop or pee, and often has dry, clean Pull-Ups® training pants, it’s time for the next big step (drumroll, please): Big Kid underpants. Your eager-to-please toddler will respond positively to the change if they feel like their learning process and timetable are being respected, in partnership with Mom and Dad. Here’s how to handle this transition.

transitioning kids to training pant
Eager-to-please kids like to know they are going to the potty the right way, and sometimes it takes a little time until they feel they are in control. If your child is ready to move on to underwear, great. If not, don’t push. Slow down and let your generally cooperative child continue to enjoy Pull-Ups until they feel ready.

When your child is ready, remember to make them a part of the process, knowing the time you spend working on this together will be an important bonding experience. The emotional connection you develop now with your eager-to-please toddler will be helpful in later stages and challenges of life. “Today we are going to go on a special shopping trip. You are working so hard in your potty training, let’s get you some underwear so you can be a big kid!”

  • “Where should we keep your special new underwear? I keep mine in my drawer. Let’s find a spot for yours....”
  • “Would you like to try on a pair now and test them out?”
  • “Wow! You’re wearing Big Kid underpants! Can you show me how they work? How do they help you go to the bathroom?”
  • “You can continue to use your Pull-Ups whenever you’d like, especially if we are going out for a long time, but your underwear is another choice for you. I think you can handle it, and if you need to use your Pull-Ups again that is OK.”

Potty Scripts:

  • “New underpants are for kids who have learned a lot about potty training already. Keep up the good work and remember to try to feel what your body is telling you so you can get to the toilet in time to keep your new undies dry.”
  • “Anytime you think that your body is telling you to go, even if it’s just a little feeling, go try to use the potty. Even if nothing comes out, it’s good to try.”
  • “Let’s see how long you can keep these new pants dry. Any time I have to go to the bathroom, I will check if you want to come with me, too.”
  It’s practically guaranteed that there will be some poop or pee ending up in this glorious new underwear– that’s just part of the process. Say, “Oops, we didn’t make it to the potty in time for this one. Let’s work together to put this poop in the potty where it goes, and then clean you up. Keep up the good work of trying to make it to the potty in time." The calmer and more relaxed you are, the calmer and more relaxed your little learner will be, too.

You can also model language and self-talk when you need to use the potty. You may not think that your agreeable toddler is listening, but they are. (Eager-to-please children are always listening!) "Hmm. I feel my tummy getting tight, I think I need to use the potty. Wow, I feel so much better now that I used the potty! Now, we can getback to playing/reading/watching TV."


Fun Disney Designs

& fading graphics to teach kids to stay dry

Pull-Ups® Potty Training Pants
Skincare essentials boys image Skincare essentials girls image

Ultra Soft & Breathable

To help protect sensitive skin

Pull-Ups® Skin Essentials Training Pants

Extra Nighttime Absorbency

With up to 12-hour overnight protection

Pull-Ups® Night*Time Training Pants
