How to Potty Train

Is Elimination Communication Right for Your Family?

18 Jan, 2023
4.5 min. Read
Doorway into bathroom where a child is learning to potty train
There are a lot of ideas about how to potty train out there. And some of them such as infant potty training — also known as the “traditional method” of potty training or “elimination communication” — can leave parents wondering if they’re starting too late or missing out on a proven method. So how do you know what’s the right potty training method for your child?

What Is Elimination Communication?

According to Contemporary Pediatrics magazine, more than half the world’s babies are toilet trained by the time they turn one. Using “elimination communication,” parents learn to read their babies’ body language to discern when a pee or a poo is coming and hold them over the potty to go. The parents then whistle or make a “swooshing” sound to encourage the baby to pee and condition them for going in the future. Getting your child toilet trained that early probably sounds ideal, right? Well, to do it you’d need to be at your baby’s side 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. That simply isn’t realistic for many families today. And even if you taught your baby to release their bladder and bowel contents on cue, you’d still need to teach them  the full routine of going to the toilet on their own when they became a toddler.

Signs Your Child Is Ready For Toilet Training

To get started with this proven way to toilet train your child, first look for signs your toddler is ready:
  • Pulling at a wet or dirty diaper.
  • Hiding to pee or poop.
  • Showing interest or copying the behavior of people who are using the bathroom.
  • Staying dry in their diaper for longer than usual.
  • Waking up dry from a nap.
  • Telling you that they’re about to go or have just gone.
If your child shows at least two of these signs, they might be ready to start. Take the Pull-Ups® Potty Training Readiness Quiz to help you decide.

Create Your Toilet Training Plan

Before you start potty training, think about what will work best for your family — and consider how babysitters, daycare providers and caregivers such as Grandma or Grandpa will be part of the plan too. Keep your child’s potty personality and these tips in mind as you create your own road map to success for easy potty training:
  • Be flexible. Don’t set deadlines such as a certain date or age for having a fully potty trained child. It takes time, and every child progresses at a different stage. While some kids train quickly and easily (of course, that’s what we all wish for!), some kids take more time and just aren’t interested as early.
  • Start introducing the idea. Potty training doesn’t start the first day your child sits on the toilet. It begins with little steps such as talking to your child about the bathroom and demonstrating how it works. Remember that even if you have the best intentions your child won’t be potty trained until they’re ready.
  • Get your potty training tools. Think about the gear you’ll need to begin potty training:
    • Step stool. A toilet can be a big climb for little toddler legs, so get a sturdy step stool.
    • Toilet seat. A child-size toilet seat that sits on top of your regular seat can be really helpful too, so kids aren’t afraid of falling in or uncomfortable while they’re waiting for the pee or poop to come.
    • Potty chair. Some families prefer to start with a potty chair instead of the big toilet, or they buy a potty chair to place in a playroom or other often-used space so kids have quick access when they need to go.
    • Pull-Ups® training pants. Pulling their own pants up and down is a big part of learning to use the potty like a Big Kid. Pull-Ups® training pants make this easy and also help make an important distinction between diapers and how Big Kids dress.
  • Step stool. A toilet can be a big climb for little toddler legs, so get a sturdy step stool.
  • Toilet seat. A child-size toilet seat that sits on top of your regular seat can be really helpful too, so kids aren’t afraid of falling in or uncomfortable while they’re waiting for the pee or poop to come.
  • Potty chair. Some families prefer to start with a potty chair instead of the big toilet, or they buy a potty chair to place in a playroom or other often-used space so kids have quick access when they need to go.
  • Pull-Ups® training pants. Pulling their own pants up and down is a big part of learning to use the potty like a Big Kid. Pull-Ups® training pants make this easy and also help make an important distinction between diapers and how Big Kids dress.
  • Consider your lifestyle. If your child goes to daycare, think about when you have the most time together, such as a weekend, to start potty training. Also, choose a time when you’ll be home. It’s much easier for kids to learn to use the potty at home than when they’re out running errands with you, attending a birthday party or taking a family trip.
  • Demonstrate bathroom tasks. Before you officially start potty training, encourage your child to practice tasks one at a time, such as pulling down their pants, sitting on the potty and wiping. As you’re planning the potty training method that will work best for your family, remember that kids love to mimic their parents. Try this Can You Do What I Do? potty training game as part of your training plan.
  • Talk about the urge. To be ready to potty train, kids need to recognize when they need to go. Demonstrate this by telling them when you have the urge and talking about what that feels like.
  • Point out potties. When you’re out grabbing groceries, visiting friends or at Grandma’s house, point out all the other spots where your child can find a toilet. They might not realize that potties are available in far more places than your house. You can practice beforehand with the downloadable Find the Potty potty training game.
  • Think about rewards. You know your child best. What makes them feel good? Are words of praise and encouragement the fuel that will drive them in this potty training process?
  • Will inexpensive little gifts motivate them? Or will having a sticker chart that demonstrates successes make them feel proud? Make fun potty training part of your routine.
Check out this to-do list for more tips on creating your family’s potty training plan. Some thoughtfulness before the big day — when your toddler uses the potty for the first time — can go a long way in helping you both feel more prepared.